An image of why God has brought me here

An image of why God has brought me here
Meet Elvis. His smile is the defintion of joy. This is just one of the many faces you are praying for

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Just wanted to let you know that I've set up a website for my pictures.

I have told you in previous posts about Kawuku, where God has called me to serve. One of the albums I've created is a virtual prayer walk through Kawuku. So, if you would like to see the place we are praying over, you can walk through the pics. =)

Love you all! and MIIISSSSSS you!


I am daily learning how beautiful this word is. How beautiful it is when God is overwhelmingly sufficient.

I feel as if I have known this, but God is bringing this concept to a whole new level of intimacy. When the Lord has told me to silently be obedient in my heart, as He has peeled back the layers of self, --He alone has created this ministry that I am a part of here.

I remember in training they told us that there might come a moment when we just sit back and feel like a spectator in awe of watching the Lord work. When I heard that, I remember pridefully thinking that I did not come to Uganda to be a spectator, I came to get my hands dirty for the Lord.

Tonight, I felt like a spectator…even in my own heart!! As God has been removing me, allowing me to see how inadequate I am, He has shown me that He alone is the one that will reach people and speak to their hearts. Maybe I will be used as a vessel, but it is He that call people to him. It is He alone that can cause any words I might say to penetrate into hearts. I have believed this in the past, but He is teaching this to me on a deeper level! This level can only be felt, not defined in words.

It is more than enough to receive my encouragement from the Lord and feel in my heart that I am being obedient. It is overwhelmingly sufficient to sit in the presence of the Lord and be captivated by surrendering.

That is so beautiful. Letting go of control….it is not easy! It is a daily thing I have to pray through…but it is so freeing and beautiful. I don’t want control anymore. It is ok that the way is not clear, that even tomorrow appears foggy. Because when the moments come for me to move---He has already prepared me. It is ok that the Lord is telling me to be still instead of analyzing the next step and the best decisions. Because, in that stillness HE is preparing me for those divine encounters. And He will do a more complete job in showing me than I could ever hope.
I am not saying that I am throwing wisdom by the wayside. I am continuing to daily pray for wisdom and discernment. What I am daily surrendering to is the need to know a situation, analyze it, and decide what is best. Because, here in Africa----each day is foggy to me until it comes. I am so thankful God is allowing this for me. I am so thankful that He is teaching me to surrender my understanding to Him in the quietness of my heart.

And I am thankful that He is allowing me to see what beautiful contentment there is in obedience. His encouragement and His rewards far outweigh anything else my heart could desire.

I am content. Truly content. Breathless, Speechless, Overwhelmed with the peace in my heart tonight.

Friday, February 20, 2009


This word defines everything that I am, and all that I ever can be. Inadequate. Inadequate to do alone the work that He has brought me here to do.

We are here working with the Kampala Christian Church Network. This is a house church network that targets the slum areas here in Kampala. There are 8 different churches, each in a different poor area, that meet on Sundays (celebration services) and then throughout the week over 50 different small housegroups (compare to a lifegroup/cellgroup in the states) that meet for bible study.
My team has come to help begin children ministries within this network and train the leaders that will continue this ministry after we are gone. I am inadequate.
Here is the logistics of this task: none of the churches have an actual children's program that runs effectively. Some of them have people that are "children's leaders," but some of them do not. We are here to help ignite passion inside of them for this minsitry and train them on how to effectively teach their children about God and living our lives for Him. I am inadequate
We have decided as a team that the best way to achieve our goals is to choose 2 church areas that we will be targeting specifically. Trying to do all 8 would be overwhelming and counterproductive!
So.... there are 2 church areas we will pour our hearts into: the church, the children, the leaders, the parents, and the people in the community. We will be focusing there on Sundays, during their housegroup meeting, and other times throughout the week when we will go and hang out with the kids/meet their parents/etc. We want to truly become a part of these communities! These areas are: Kawuku (where Jake and I will be.) and Kisugu (where Will and Sarah will be) I am inadequate
Along with those 2 places, we will also be in/out on sundays of a 3rd church (Kibuli) doing some modeling for them and some training. I am inadequate.
For the other 5 churches, we will not be there on Sundays, but we will hopefully have meetings with their leaders to teach and train them. I am inadequate.

The vision that we have is that each church will get some training for their leaders, but the 2 churches that we are pouring our hearts into will be the example and foundation for the other churches. I am inadeqaute.

I have been praying a lot over the past week about what success is going to look like. My prayer team has been praying through this with me. (thank you!!) The church that Jake and I are targeting, Kawuku, has just begun in January as a church. We truly are getting in on the foundation level of this church. God specifically laid this place on both of our hearts, seperately, so we know this is where we are supposed to be. So.... success, what does that look like to the Lord and what should that look like to me?! I am inadequate to even define that.

So, I have really been praying about it and bringing it before the Lord. And here is where my heart is: I know that realistically speaking, I may get on the plane in May without seeing the fruits of our labor. I may leave Kampala and not see thriving children's ministries. Especially since we are at a church that is just beginning. The work that the Lord is going to do may not be tangible to us. So.... when I am on the plane rides home, what is going to fill my heart with thanksgiving that we were successful. Only the Lord can define that!!!!! I am inadequate to even decide my purpose for being here!

So, as the Lord continues to tell me to sit before him and be quiet. To sit in His prescence and listen with a discerning spirit.... this is because I can not do anything lasting without Him. I could go and do and serve all that I want with my own intentions...but if they are not the Lord's...this ministry and our time here will not be successful!!! Only He can begin these ministries....only He can place the calling on people's hearts to serve....only He can embed passion inside of people to fight for something after we are gone...only He can call people to Him. I am inadeqaute.

After much prayer, I think that success will be if we leave behind people that are passionate about children's ministry and people that are going to fight for it after we are gone. We are only here for 4 months. What a short time!! We are just a link in a huge chain! We can do some training and some teaching....but that alone can not make a ministry stand. What will make these ministries last is if there are people that become passionate about it and feel in their heart that God has called them to serve in this way. I can not do that. Only the Lord can. prayer request for this week is for the Lord to work within the churches and lay children's ministry specifically on people's hearts.For God to begin place passion inside of specific people who will be the leaders! This is not something we can do. I can pray for them, I can be used by God to explain why it is so importnat, I can lay the foundations of training, but only the Lord can create this ministry.
I am thankful I am inadequate. I am thankful that God has humbled me to the point that I know I can not create a ministry here that will withstand without His leading and guidance. Because the Adequacy rests in the Hands of our Lord. There could not be a more powerful place for it to be!

So.... if I am obedient to the leading that I feel in the stillness of my heart, even if I leave here not seeing any tangible fruits... I will know that my God has still worked!! He doesn't have us labor in vain. Our prayers do not go unheard. He would not burden our hearts with this pursuit if He did not have great plans!

Here is the verse the Lord has given me (thank you dylan for sending this to me! You didn't even know how powerfully it would be used by God).
We will fade away...we are here for only 4 months and then we're out...but if we build this ministry on the Word of God---the Word will always stand on its own and speak for itself.
Isaiah 40:8: "The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.”

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

check out Jake's blog of my teammates Jake has a blog.....

As I sit here staring at my blank bog entry....... not being able to form any of my thoughts or heart into words....... still praying how to wrap my mind around all the things that we are doing and seeing....... Jake did an awesome job of putting a face with our work.

The post is titled: Nameless. The link is on the right side of my page. Just look for Uganda!! and then under that nameless.

It is an amazing explanation of where we now are in ministry. We have begun working with/planning out our vision for the children's ministry. So, I want you to read his entry! =) It will be a blessing.

Love you guys! =)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

2 Posts in 1 Day! WOW! I'm on a roll!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DYLAN!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm sorry I'm not there!

Even when the days are Hard, My Heart is Being Stolen

So.. I just feel like I need to apoligize for my lack of blogging lately. You guys really are important to me and I want to keep you updated on what is going on here in K'La, Uganda!

Everyday so much happens and there are so many emotions, even when I try to start a blog, it seems impossible to condense it down to a format that's readable. I am trying to work on that!!!

I do want to mention that Friday was a really exciting day for me! I really saw God work and He blew me away!!! I am going to blog about soon as I can form my heart into words.

For now though.... I have compiled a list of the things that I am falling in love with here in Africa!! This list is the counter part of a earlier post about the America things I planned on missing while I was here. (that list has now probably reached #100!!!! hahahaha) give Africa credit where its due:

Things that are stealing my heart:
1) The feeling of my curly hair drying in the Africa sun
2) Learning how to cook from scratch.
3) Sitting in church feeling the African breeze blowing on my face
4) The local pastors that we work with in the Kampala Christian Church Network!. We call them the All Star Team! Watching God work through them is incredible!
5) The beautiful smiles of our Ugandan friends
6) Greeting people each time we see them. (even if it is within the same 5 minute time span)
7) Having time to build relationships
8) Seeing God change the way that people see us.
For example: we were at a food distribution in a slum area on Friday: I feel, sometimes, when we are first seen--we are automatically labeled as Americans with $. Literally---I don't know how to explain that, but there is just a certain way that they look at us as Americans. BUT!!! After I got to share my testimony and we shared the message of Jesus Christ----- I just saw those barriars melt away! We become believers in Jesus Christ to them! =)
9) Seeing Ugandans we know on the streets! I love walking down to Kabalagala (where we buy our groceries) and passing people that we know and can stop and talk to.
10) Having relationships with the most common of people. Ex. there is a sweet lady, Christine, that I buy flower from each week. That simple relationship of buying fresh flowers from her has created a common ground for me to minister!
11) The peacefulness in the air
12) The beautiful star filled night sky!
13) Watching rain clouds blow in and out so quickly!
14) Feeling at home!!!!
15) Ugandan laughter!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

In the silence of obedience, My Heart is Being Molded

I don't have a lot of time to update write now, but I promise I will soon! =) This post was just to say hi.

Also, God has assembled a prayer team for me. I am sending out weekly updates to them of praises/prayer requests/and encouragement. If you would like to be apart of that as well, please just send me your email address. =)

Love you guys! Miss you! I promise to update soon. God has been doing SOOOO MUCH in my heart! It is amazing! I can't wait to share all that God has been teaching me!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just for your viewing pleasure

A place called Namuwengo. (I blogged about it in my last post)

An instrument called, dungu (sp?). It is kinda like a harp but the bottom is also played as a drum. 2 instruments in one! It makes a sweet sound!

This is the view we have from our porch!! Isn't it beautiful?! This view is a BLESSING! It is overlooking part of Kampala.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thank you Lord for Your prescence here!

So, on a more serious note... I wanted to update everyone on what the Lord is doing in minsitry here in Uganda. Even though we have only been here 1 week, I have already seen some beautiful joys along with tearful sorrows.
The past 2 days we ministered at a place called Namuwengo, also called Stiwetto (sp?). This is where my heart overflowed with so many emotions! Namuwengo is the poorest area of Kampala. Most of the people that live there are refugees that have fled from Northern Uganda or other war torn areas. It is so hard emotionally for me to accept that there are people that have so little. Physically, many of them truly are suffering.
Yesterday (Sat.) was an emotional struggle for me. But after seeing the things we saw, how easy for me to only be struggling emotionally. We met a lady........ Her husband past away 4 years ago from AIDS and left her with 7 children to take care of by herself. And she herself also has the disease. In the past, she has walked to a place that gave her medicine, but lately she has been too weak to make the journey. When we passed her on the path, tears were streaming down her face. We stopped and asked if we could talk with her. She took us to her home, where we sat and spoke with her, with the help of our translator.

It was a DIVINE ENCOUNTER!! To make a long story short..... the holy spirit really worked...and this woman accepted Jesus into her heart with tears streaming down her face!! It was so amazing, because we saw through her story how God had been preparing her heart for this moment. Her mother (though she lives in another village---not in walking distance) is a christian and had already tried to share with her. It was the most beautiful moment that I have had since I have been here. I just prayed in my head throughout the encounter, for her and her situation. Praise our God that this woman now has eternal peace and hope!!!! Even though this life is a struggle for her, and painful, it is a temporary struggle. Eternally, she now has a life with Jesus Christ.
It is HHHAAAARRRDDD to see these types of situations. It is hard to have my eyes opened to such extreme pain and suffering. However, I am so thankful that God is using me as a vessel to bring Hope. I am not worthy to even speak His name, yet yesterday, he allowed me to be a part of changing eternity for one of his children.
Please be in prayer for this woman. Though we aren't exactly sure of her name, God knows who she is. She is our new sister in Christ and she needs all that we can give her through prayer.