An image of why God has brought me here

An image of why God has brought me here
Meet Elvis. His smile is the defintion of joy. This is just one of the many faces you are praying for

Saturday, February 7, 2009

In the silence of obedience, My Heart is Being Molded

I don't have a lot of time to update write now, but I promise I will soon! =) This post was just to say hi.

Also, God has assembled a prayer team for me. I am sending out weekly updates to them of praises/prayer requests/and encouragement. If you would like to be apart of that as well, please just send me your email address. =)

Love you guys! Miss you! I promise to update soon. God has been doing SOOOO MUCH in my heart! It is amazing! I can't wait to share all that God has been teaching me!