An image of why God has brought me here

An image of why God has brought me here
Meet Elvis. His smile is the defintion of joy. This is just one of the many faces you are praying for

Monday, March 23, 2009

God's Provision

I want to tell you about 2 special ministries that the Lord has orchestrated for me to be a part of here. As many of you know the areas of ministry that I am most passionate about are university ministry and women’s ministry.

I am just in awe of the Lord as He continues to work out the details of the ways I am serving here in Uganda! He has divinely orchestrated opportunities for me to serve in BOTH of these areas! What an incredible God we serve. He brought me here to do children’s ministry, but in the midst of that, He has opened avenues for me to serve in other ways I love.

As they warned us in training, it takes awhile to find your place in ministry here. This is not true for everyone; but it definitely has been true for me! Though we began the children’s ministry quickly, these other 2 have taken more time. It was easy for me to become so frustrated in the beginning because I just didn’t know where to serve, what would work out, or where my heart would belong. If you think about it, the fact that we have found ministry here at all is the total and complete work of the Lord himself! No one held our hand and led us to the places we are serving. There was nothing set up for us here when we arrived. It is the Lord’s guidance and direction that has set this path for us.

With that being said, I’d like to tell you a little about these 2 ministries.


KIU is Kampala International University. This is a university that is just down the road from us. The majority of students are from Kenya, but there are also a number from Uganda and Tanzania. They have a relatively solid college ministry program here. I am blessed to be a part of the ladies group that meets! I am there twice a week. On Mondays, all (about 40-50) of the ladies meet together for a time of teaching, and another day during the week, I meet with a group of about 10-12 girls. This is our small group bible study. In the small group we are going through a book together called, The Excellent Wife.

---God orchestrated the details of this group down to even the book that we are studying! Though most of them are not married, they are going through this book to prepare themselves to be godly women and wives. This is EXACTLY where I am also in my life! So, as I am assisting them in teaching---it is also the preparation of the Lord for the next step in my life.---

These girls are such a blessing to me!!!! They are a breath of fresh air throughout my week. It is a ministry that I genuinely look forward to. They are all around my age and I am truly becoming friends with them! I enjoy university students so much, and I love learning and worshipping the Lord alongside them! When I am with these girls, I don’t feel as if I am a mzungu (white person) or a missionary, I just feel like their sister in Christ. It is such a blessing.

Kawuku Women’s Bible Study

In Kawuku, this past Wednesday, we began a women’s bible study! I am sooo thankful and excited about what the Lord is doing through this! It was completely the hand of the Lord. I truly feel as if God was the planner, and I, the facilitator. Misti Shelton and I are leading this bible study, along with a wonderful Ugandan friend of ours, Medina.

I won’t bore you with all of the details of how this came about. I will just say that the Lord burdened my heart for a women’s bible study in Kawuku, and when I mentioned it to Misti (just in passing, not even thinking about her leading it) she was looking for another women’s bible study ministry. It really worked out perfect, even down to the day that we are doing it.
Last week, our first week, there were over 25 women! Some of them were faces that I had never seen before. I was in awe at the Lord and how He drew the women there. I don’t know how many will actually stay throughout the whole study. There are usually a lot in the beginning (because we mzungus kind of work like bait around here. People will come when they see us), but then it can dwindle after it gets going.

The plan is to do 2 weeks of the disciple’s cross---it is an indepth look at John 15:5. And then there will be about 10 weeks of a study called, “Becoming a Godly Woman” which takes an indepth look at Titus 2:3-5

This ministry is so beautiful to me. I am praying that this will not only help them grow spiritually together, but strengthen their bonds and unity in the Lord.
I have truly prayed about and believed from the very beginning, that our work in children’s ministry cannot last unless the women are trained and discipled as well. If you train the mothers, the training of the children will strengthen!


The most beautiful thing to me is that I know all of this has been orchestrated by the Lord! I could not have done any of this on my own. I have only been in this foreign country for 2 months! Only God could place me in ministries that tailor my passions. I am so thankful to be able to be a vessel of His work and an outpouring of His desires for His people. The Lord could have chosen anyone to come and bring these things to the people of Kawuku---but He allowed me to come and be a part of it. I am so thankful.

I just wanted to share my heart with you today, and let you have a window into what the Lord is doing.

Thank you for your prayers!!!! They are daily being answered, and I know they will continue to be long after I am gone. Because of the Lord's work through your faithfulness eternity is being changed

1 comment:

Jena Tager said...

Hey Lovely!!! Soo stinkin proud of you! I am stoked that ya'll will be able to share the Jesus film. Mucho love to you Beautiful X