An image of why God has brought me here

An image of why God has brought me here
Meet Elvis. His smile is the defintion of joy. This is just one of the many faces you are praying for

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jesus Film in Kawuku this Saturday

I have a very very special prayer request for you! On Saturday we will be showing the Jesus film in Kawuku!

I haven't updated on them in awhile, but I promise to soon. You can read Jake's most recent blog to get an "up-to-date update" on what God is doing there. that we are renting a place at the boarding school....we have the availability of their HUGE field! Seriously, I'm putting a picture at the bottom so you can see the beaty of what I'm talking about. When you look out from the school, it over looks a field and then a grassy swamp area and then 2 of the 7 hills (which are really more like small mountains. ) that make up Kampala. The beauty of this area is breathtaking.

What a perfect place to SHOW THE JESUS FILM!!! This Saturday, we'll be taking a projector and screen out to Kawuku to show the Jesus film. I don't think it has ever been shown before. Not only does the community of Kawuku have thousands of people, but this field has the potential to have room for all of them.

Please join us in prayer as we pray over this area. Please pray over our protection from the enemy, the weather, the field, the equipment, and most important----the people who will watch and hear/see the greatest message ever told. Please pray for anyone that comes that may not have a personal relationship with Christ. Pray that God moves in their hearts and doesn't hold back revealing himself to them. Please pray for Pastor Dickens as God prepares him to have wisdom and words for any questions or counseling that will take place afterwards. Pray that this will help the Christians grow in their knowledge and understanding of the sacrifice that was made for us.

Also......Christina Berry, our dear friend and fellow member of the Kampala Urban Team has created a virtual prayer blog. How appropriate that Kawuku is the area that is being prayed over this month by people all over the world!!!! Each month, there will be taking a virtual prayer walk through a different area of Kampala.

The link is:

Monday, March 23, 2009

God's Provision

I want to tell you about 2 special ministries that the Lord has orchestrated for me to be a part of here. As many of you know the areas of ministry that I am most passionate about are university ministry and women’s ministry.

I am just in awe of the Lord as He continues to work out the details of the ways I am serving here in Uganda! He has divinely orchestrated opportunities for me to serve in BOTH of these areas! What an incredible God we serve. He brought me here to do children’s ministry, but in the midst of that, He has opened avenues for me to serve in other ways I love.

As they warned us in training, it takes awhile to find your place in ministry here. This is not true for everyone; but it definitely has been true for me! Though we began the children’s ministry quickly, these other 2 have taken more time. It was easy for me to become so frustrated in the beginning because I just didn’t know where to serve, what would work out, or where my heart would belong. If you think about it, the fact that we have found ministry here at all is the total and complete work of the Lord himself! No one held our hand and led us to the places we are serving. There was nothing set up for us here when we arrived. It is the Lord’s guidance and direction that has set this path for us.

With that being said, I’d like to tell you a little about these 2 ministries.


KIU is Kampala International University. This is a university that is just down the road from us. The majority of students are from Kenya, but there are also a number from Uganda and Tanzania. They have a relatively solid college ministry program here. I am blessed to be a part of the ladies group that meets! I am there twice a week. On Mondays, all (about 40-50) of the ladies meet together for a time of teaching, and another day during the week, I meet with a group of about 10-12 girls. This is our small group bible study. In the small group we are going through a book together called, The Excellent Wife.

---God orchestrated the details of this group down to even the book that we are studying! Though most of them are not married, they are going through this book to prepare themselves to be godly women and wives. This is EXACTLY where I am also in my life! So, as I am assisting them in teaching---it is also the preparation of the Lord for the next step in my life.---

These girls are such a blessing to me!!!! They are a breath of fresh air throughout my week. It is a ministry that I genuinely look forward to. They are all around my age and I am truly becoming friends with them! I enjoy university students so much, and I love learning and worshipping the Lord alongside them! When I am with these girls, I don’t feel as if I am a mzungu (white person) or a missionary, I just feel like their sister in Christ. It is such a blessing.

Kawuku Women’s Bible Study

In Kawuku, this past Wednesday, we began a women’s bible study! I am sooo thankful and excited about what the Lord is doing through this! It was completely the hand of the Lord. I truly feel as if God was the planner, and I, the facilitator. Misti Shelton and I are leading this bible study, along with a wonderful Ugandan friend of ours, Medina.

I won’t bore you with all of the details of how this came about. I will just say that the Lord burdened my heart for a women’s bible study in Kawuku, and when I mentioned it to Misti (just in passing, not even thinking about her leading it) she was looking for another women’s bible study ministry. It really worked out perfect, even down to the day that we are doing it.
Last week, our first week, there were over 25 women! Some of them were faces that I had never seen before. I was in awe at the Lord and how He drew the women there. I don’t know how many will actually stay throughout the whole study. There are usually a lot in the beginning (because we mzungus kind of work like bait around here. People will come when they see us), but then it can dwindle after it gets going.

The plan is to do 2 weeks of the disciple’s cross---it is an indepth look at John 15:5. And then there will be about 10 weeks of a study called, “Becoming a Godly Woman” which takes an indepth look at Titus 2:3-5

This ministry is so beautiful to me. I am praying that this will not only help them grow spiritually together, but strengthen their bonds and unity in the Lord.
I have truly prayed about and believed from the very beginning, that our work in children’s ministry cannot last unless the women are trained and discipled as well. If you train the mothers, the training of the children will strengthen!


The most beautiful thing to me is that I know all of this has been orchestrated by the Lord! I could not have done any of this on my own. I have only been in this foreign country for 2 months! Only God could place me in ministries that tailor my passions. I am so thankful to be able to be a vessel of His work and an outpouring of His desires for His people. The Lord could have chosen anyone to come and bring these things to the people of Kawuku---but He allowed me to come and be a part of it. I am so thankful.

I just wanted to share my heart with you today, and let you have a window into what the Lord is doing.

Thank you for your prayers!!!! They are daily being answered, and I know they will continue to be long after I am gone. Because of the Lord's work through your faithfulness eternity is being changed

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Serving in America

I have heard more than one reference in the past couple of weeks to an idea that really brings frustration into my heart. It is this idea that as an American, serving God in America is “more comfortable” and “easier”, than serving the Lord in a foreign country. When I hear these comments it brings a lot of unrest into my heart.

I want to begin by saying that missions most definitely has its place in the kingdom work! Jesus instructed His disciples to go out and make disciples of all nations. I have both high honor and respect for missionaries! Living here among our missionary families here in Kampala has really opened my eyes to the sacrifices that they make each and every day. It takes leaving family, friends, and a lifestyle that is comfortable behind for a new language, a culture you may never truly understand, and a lifestyle that can be more challenging.

Though, I will only be here for 4 1/2 months, my heart has already experienced the cry of not being around for important things. Dylan is finding his first job out of college and will probably have moved to a new place that I have never seen by the time I get back, my best friend, Ashley, is planning her wedding and all that goes along with that. She will get married the weekend I get back so I am missing sharing in all of her showers, planning, and joy that comes with preparation. Katie found out she was pregnant when I first arrived here and has already finished her first trimester. Though she was there every day as I experienced the loss of my Dad, and every day since then of healing-----I am not there to encourage her, hug her, pray with her, and just be a good friend when she has needed that. Not to mention all of the everyday moments of my Mom, sister, grandparents, family, and friends that I am missing out on! This is the most challenging part of being in Uganda for me. Relationships are what define my life. My heart is with the people I care about, therefore my heart is partly in America with the people I care about, and partly here with the people I have come to love and serve. A heart divided. It is a very hard place to be. I know this is what these missionaries experience day in and day out for far longer than just 4 months.

So…with that being said…..It does take a very special calling to serve the Lord in another country. However, when the Lord says to Be Still and Know that He is God, His Name Will Be Exalted Among the Nations…….. I just have to ask the question when I hear those references I mentioned in the beginning: Is America not a nation? Does this verse not instruct us to exalt the name of the Lord in EVERY nation. Just because America is OUR nation, does not disregard its place in this scripture. The calling to serve in America is no less than serving in another country.
I feel called to America. I Love Africa! I love sharing the love of Christ among this nation! I believe that if you ever have the chance to go on a mission trip and go and make disciples in another nation, you should! But, personally being here in Kampala has shown me that I do feel a calling to America, and to America’s young adults and college age students. There is a quote that really represents my heart right now in ministry. “More potently than by any other means, change a university and you change the world.” –Charles Malik” I truly believe this. I am praying for the Lord to use me as a vessel to impact the future leaders of our country for Christ.

Just because America has air conditioning, and an abundance of food---does not mean that it doesn’t need strong leaders for the Lord. And that there is not work to be done for the Lord within our own country.

When I balance out the good and bad of America vs. Uganda, I can find best and worst things in each. Ugandans are soooo wonderful! They are so open to love and to hear the gospel. The harvest here in Kampala is truly incredible. People are very willing to accept and know Christ. They love their neighbor as themselves. When I look at the community of believers here, it truly is an example of the body of Christ. They take care of one another and support each other’s needs. But, there are also witchdoctors here, and the enemy is very present in spiritual ways.
n America, it is very hard to find the type of sacrifice, surrrending, and community that I have seen here! The US is “me” oriented. Americans live indulgent lifestyles and are blinded with their own wealth. We buy and spend and indulge while not really understanding, or doing anything, about the poverty in these third world countries. Is that easier? When you really think about it, is it easier to serve the Lord when there is temptation that you are having to fight against at every turn?

So……. Who is to measure which calling is greater or easier? How can anyone compare what the Lord has designed each of us to do? We each were designed by the Lord to carry out specific tasks according to our gifts and abilities.

Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Just as you were wonderfully created, so is the calling on your life. Maybe your calling is to have an ordinary job and share the love of Christ with those around you. Maybe your calling is to be a pastor. Maybe your calling is to be a missionary. Maybe you were designed to love nursing, teaching, business, and the list could truly go on!

Please do not disregard your place in the kingdom because of your location, financial status, job placement, or talents. The most important thing is to choose to live for Christ day in and day out no matter where you are. A title or place cannot be the definition of our worth in the kingdom! We each need to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. (John 15:5)

To reflect the love of Christ to those around us- that is our true calling. That is what will impact the world! Teaching has its place, missions has its place, serving has its place…but what I believe will truly be the biggest impact is when you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind every day and when that is reflected to the people around you. When people don’t just hear our words, but they see a difference in the life we lead and the joy and peace in our heart and actions.
So, whether in America, Africa, China, or South America---- please don’t disregard your worth! Please don’t let people have you believe that one calling is greater than another. Or that one is easier than the other.

Let’s commit to praying that we will be good stewards of where we are and live our life as someone who is sold out to the gospel. That is our greatest calling! Serving the Lord Jesus Christ and proclaiming the greatest message every told!

Friday, March 13, 2009

THANKS from the birthday girl!

Yesterday I had a wonderful birthday!!! I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone at home for your birthday wishes! It was such a blessing to talk with my mom and dylan, ashley called me by suprise!, (i didn't get to talk to my sister, but received an email! Yay!) I received cards here and ecards! And the number of facebook messages was so overwhelming!! I read each one of them, and I was so blessed by your birthday wishes!!!!!! You each contributed so much to my special day!

Also, I need to give a shout out to my team UG! You guys rocked! The girls went sooo out of there way to make my day special. =) I was suprised in the morning with a big sign they made, a cake, presents, flowers, a clean room, and oh..the list could go on! Will bought me some amazing chocolate and Jake found a season of the OC for me! (haven't watched it the quality is still in question since all the movies here are pirated! hahahaha) The Berry's bought me beautiful flowers that are my favorite and bought my lunch today!, and the Shelton's invited us over for dinner with the volunteer team where we had great meat! (you people in Texas just can't understand how great it is to have good meat!!!) Misti made such an incredible jungle cake! THANK YOU!

THANK YOU especially to JENA and SARAH! I am sooooo thankful for you both and the blessings that you daily pour into my life! You two mean the world to me! God knew exactly what he was doing when he chose for you 2 girls to be who I would be sharing my home and my life with for these 4 1/2 months!!!!! Thanks for thinking about me and doing so much for me!

If you have ever lost someone close to you, it goes without saying that holidays can sometimes be harder than they are good. This May will mark the 2 year anniversary of my Father entering heaven. This past year and a half has been filled with holidays that were bittersweet to say the very least. I guess becuase of the pain, it is easy for special occasions to lose their excitement.
For this reason, I wasn't that excited about my birthday. I wasn't upset, just didn't expect all of the wonderful things and responses that I received! You guys truly made this birthday special for me!!!!! =) Thanks for filling the void!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Maybe its good I'm sick because its given me time to slow down, process, and update

I feel like I need to update everyone on what has been going on here in Kampala. Somedays, I still wake up and think---wow, I am in Africa! So much happens each day- both in ministry and emotionally that it is just so hard to blog.

Ministry is amazing! As challenging as it is for me to be here, the Lord truly is at work. There have been weeks now that I have thirsted to see fruits while knowingly accepting that I may not see any. The Lord continues to leave me in awe as I watch doors open for ministry opportunities!

Here's a quick update of the places that I am serving:

Kawuku- Helping begin the children's ministry and being used by the Lord to train leaders
We are going to be starting a women's bible study next week!!! I will post more soon on the hand of the Lord in this! I truly see His divine plan at work for Kawuku! =) I have said from the beginning that I don't believe their view of children (and their importance) will change until we can present to them the godly perspective of families, teaching, etc. This bible study is going to open the door to invest in the women's hearts, which will help break down some of those cultural barriers! I see the Lord meeting the needs of Kawuku from 2 different angles that will bridge together some of the barriers! =)
This truly is my church here! I honestly feel like Dickens is my pastor and my heart feels at home each time I am there

College ministry at the university. I have joined a small group bible study of girls that meet on Thursdays, along with Monday night worship service

Ministry at a high school in namuwongo on friday's.

Along with friendships and relationships I have made with people around our area. I am very excited for next Tuesday (hopefully I'll be feeling better by then!) but one of my friends, Christine, is going to come over and teach me how to cook some local food!!! =)

Kawuku update:
They lost the place that they were meeting because the land was sold to someone else, but through prayer, the Lord provided an even better place for them to meet!!! One of their "schools" offered them a fair price for rent, so they now will be meeting there! Since I have been sick, I wasn't able to go on Sunday...but even though I didn't see their joy with my own eyes, I can feel it in my heart to the point that it brings tears to my eyes!!

It is so easy to be able to type the sentences out to you of what has happened. It is so easy to type, and for you to read that they lost the place that they only were able to meet at once, but that the Lord has provided a wonderful place for them now. So much more struggle, prayers, concern, and discernment has gone into this process that words can ever type!!! It is so hard on a heart to watch people struggle so much to just find a place to meet. In America, we drive to church at our convenience, we know that there is a place that we will be meeting, we argue about paint colors, sound equipment, and the proper way to use our money....... these people that we are serving alongside don't have these luxuries. They aren't able to argue about where to spend their money because they are using their energy on their knees begging for the Lord to provide their next meal along with a place that they can worship out of the hot ugandan sun. If only our hearts would be so earnestly seeking the Lord's provision. Maybe in America we aren't needing to beg for financial provisions...but what about other areas in our lives?

Talk about having a heart check! To listen to a pastor explain that he has sometimes had to walk miles to church becuase he doesn't have enough money for transportation (which probably equals less $3 both ways). To see the sacrifice that is made by some of these people for the gospel.... it is transforming! Would you still go and worship the Lord on Sunday mornings if you couldn't conveniently drive there? To some of the pastors that we are working alongside, the Lord has placed a calling on their lives that takes laying down worldy conveniences. As pastor dickens told me, If the Lord had not called him and did not sustain him, he would not be able to do what he is doing.

So... as you can imagine so much is going on in my heart as I work alongside these people and in these situations. It is so hard to see it, yet know I can't really understand. As we were told the other day in a service, we americans don't know what its like to go without a meal. We can't understand the suffering that some of these people experience.

It is hard to not feel guilty. It is hard to balance all the emotions! And then when it comes to is a whole different topic!!! You see these hardships and you want to give to them because you can help.....but even that has to be prayerfully considered! Where is the line drawn in giving and creating a dependency. We need to give!! But, we do not need to make life harder for them after we leave. It is a constant battle.

So... personally, I am struggling. I read some of the other handson blogs about how much they love being here and all of the excitment they have. honestly, that is not me. I had been to Africa before and I LOVED IT! . My heart is for these people so I guess I thought it would come natural and easy to serve, love, and become a part of life here. But... I am struggling.

The Lord is overwhelmingly sufficient though! Just as I have said in previous blogs, he is providing for my every need! He has brought me into a deeper level with Him. for that, I am so thankful!!

I remember when I first got here I was praying through success and what they would look like for me.

I can say, that even though I am only in March, this trip is successful. Even though it is so hard!! Even though there are days that my heart longs to be back with my family and the ministries that are familiar to me.... the LORD HAS EXCEEDED MY EXPECTATIONS! We just had to do mid term evaluations and I believe that statement defines my overall mid term evaluation. I am struggling, and I am daily challenged, but the Lord has shown up here in Kampala Uganda with me! His mighty hand is at work!

I am actually so thankful that it is hard for me. I am thankful that I know that I have done nothing here on my own! Praise the Lord that I am broken! Praise Him that He is at work! Praise Him that His name truly is being exalted among the nations.

I heard Matt Chandler say once that a pridful christian is the biggest oxymoron he has ever heard. The beauty of brokenness is that it deepens that reality.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wow, so I just realized (thanks partly to my Mom) that I haven't posted in awhile. This post is just to ask for your prayers. I have been sick this weekend with some stomach yuck and will be going to a doctor here in Kampala tomorrow. My prayer is that it is just something easy and fixable with medicine. Don't worry, just pray. =) Love you guys. I'll update you soon on ministry. So much has happened in Kawuku this past week..I can't wait to tell you all that the Lord has done when I have more energy.